Upcoming National Event- Chickamauga Georgia


If ever there was an event to consider for the whole family, experienced campaigners and new alike, the 150th anniversary re-enactment of the battle of Chickamauga holds a myriad of attractions within one event. 

The Location

The city of Chickamauga has a myriad of historical buildings, including the famous Lee and Gordons Mills (free of admission), Crawfish Springs, and for a small fee, Gordon-Lee Mansion (5$ adults, 1$ 12 and under). 


If your interested in taking an historical train ride through the landscape:

"Join the Tennessee Valley Railroad Museum in commemorating the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Chickamauga with a special trip to view a reenactment of key portions of one of the largest and costliest engagements during the Civil War."

The history

Get reacquainted with the historical context in which this event takes place, get inspired and get the family together for a weekend of history, the Arts, and the art of history!


Find us in the Cleburne's Division and introduce yourself, or contact one of our members if you need assistance, or have inquiries for participation in Chicamauga or other future events.  

Successful Film Shoot

Filming with Farris' Battery and Wide Awake Films

Filming with Farris' Battery and Wide Awake Films

About 2 weeks ago Shane Seley of Wide Awake Films had asked about getting some artillery to use on their current project featuring the Battle of Gettysburg for the Civil War Preservation Trust.  A great deal of it is filmed against a green screen and will be animated.  Through the blending of CGI and other film tricks of the trade, one cannon becomes an entire battery, a few soldiers becomes a regiment, etc.  It is amazing what can be done with  a minimum of cast and resources.

          After consulting with  Kirk Hale for guidance concerning terms and conditions for Farris' Battery, Wide Awake accepted readily.  They wanted to use their own cast with the cannon as a static prop, while mock hand to hand fighting was depicted around it. Before that scene though they wanted some firing with shots of a crew in action.  The loading was done by Gary Burton, while Kirk and I tried to school the actors on the fly what they should do and not do.  We fired seven shots before they were satisfied with the action.  I was fortunate to be put into the gunner’s position for this segment.

Green screen shoot with Wide Awake Films

Green screen shoot with Wide Awake Films

         The next scenes had us move the cannon into position in front of the green screen.  These had a lot of mock hand to hand combat with Confederate Infantry overrunning a Federal Battery.  Darkness had fallen and studio lights provided illumination for the action.  Kirk had told Shane that every implement on the cannon would have been used as a potential weapon had it been overran.  So it wasn't long till the trail spike was wielded as a hefty club.  Fortunately great care was taken to make it look real, but done in a safe manner.

          The weather smiled on us that evening, as rain was all around us but never shut down the filming.  I think Farris' Battery made a good impression and it is my hope that we will be their “go to” group should there be a need for artillery in future Wide Awake projects.

Author: Forest Peterson

Movie shoot in Weston

The Farris Howitzer will be sharing the screen with Wide Awake films' filmcast in an upcoming Gettysburg project. With the use of green screen, real action, and a little help from CGI, the past will come to life providing a rich experience for a visitor center.

To be  to be filmed June 13th just outside Westin Missouri. The location?  A plantation home that dates back to before the Civil War, of course.

Farris battery participants will be on hand as gun coordinators and safety technicians though there may be a use for extras. 

Many thanks and appreciation goes out to Forrest for this arrangement.  For more details, contact Forrest Peterson or write to us here at farrisbattery@gmail.com


United We Stand - Divided We Fall

The cry has been taken up and taken in to unite members and efforts, both current and prospective, for the informative prosperity and posterity of the Civil War reenactment group, 'The Farris' Battery'.


​Only with contributions from all its enthusiasts will this electronic assembly be of use and success, for which this request calls to each of you for writings, documents, schedules, photographs, links, and any material which may benefit our collective stand.

Electronic mail address for contact is: info@farrisbattery.com
